

例子:201001010222A XIZANG
Date: 2010/ 1/ 1 Centroid Time: 2:22:27.1 GMT
Lat= 30.43 Lon= 83.91
Depth= 16.4 Half duration= 1.0
Centroid time minus hypocenter time: 3.3
Moment Tensor: Expo=23 0.499 -5.780 5.280 1.680 -2.190 -4.470
Mw = 5.2 mb = 4.8 Ms = 0.0 Scalar Moment = 7.63e+23
Fault plane: strike=207 dip=71 slip=10
Fault plane: strike=114 dip=81 slip=161

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  1. 矩张量形式是震源机制的通用表示方式,需要六个分量。对于地震震源而言,多限制矩张量为零迹张量,即去除爆炸源的成分,只保留 double couple 和 CLVD 部分。

  2. 断层参数形式需要三个分量 (strike, dip, rake),只能表示 double couple 位错源。

Global CMT 给出了零迹矩张量解和断层参数解。

  1. 若使用 GCMT 给出的断层参数 (strike,dip,rake) 解,则可根据 Aki&Richards(1980) P117 Box4.4 中式 1 将其转换成 NED 坐标系下的矩张量。

  1. 若使用 GCMT 给出的矩张量解,由于 GCMT 给出的是 (Mrr, Mtt, Mff, Mrt, Mrf, Mtf) 解,即 USE 坐标系下的矩张量,需要转换成 NED 坐标系的矩张量,方可使用。

不同的文献给出的坐标系可能不同,比如这里提到的 NED 坐标系和 USE 坐标系。即便相同的坐标系所使用的符号也可能不同,比如 GCMT 的 (r, t, f)坐标系和 Aki&Richards(1980) 中给出的(r, ) 坐标系其实都是 USE 坐标系。


Caldera vs Crater

Volcanoes and volcanic activities are wonderful natural activities that pave the way for future relief features on earth. Vulcan was the Roman fire god who is believed to be behind the fire of the volcanoes. While studying vulcanology, students come across two terms caldera and crater that both refer to depressions made at the top of a volcano. Craters or depressions are formed when magma and lava erupt making an opening at the top. This article attempts to find the differences between caldera and crater; both are depressions made by volcanic activities.

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Although not all earthquakes are caused by sudden slip along a fault, most of them are. The general concept you must keep in mind is that faults are relatively planar (flat) fractures in the crust along which rocks on either side of the fault move in different directions. Because fault surfaces are “rough”, rocks that meet along a fault do not slide freely past each other, but are instead locked for long periods by friction along the fault. Over decades to millenia, strain builds up within the rocks that are separated by the fault as their movement is prevented by along-fault friction. At some point, the amount of strain exceeds the frictional forces that are preventing slip. The fault ruptures and rocks on either side of the fault slide rapidly as the pent-up strain is relieved. The moment of rupture is when the earthquake occurs. For obvious reasons, the earthquake cycle is frequently referred to as a “stick-slip” process - long periods of “stick” are followed by a short period of “slip”, and the process then repeats itself.

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